Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The One with the Weekly Pregnancy Update

Here is the latest update...2 days late.

17 Weeks

And I'm in gray again...

How far along? 17 weeks (onion)
Total weight gain/loss: I think I've put on a pound or two this week, so I'm close to my pre-IVF weight.
Maternity clothes: Absolutely.  Although today I have a non-maternity dress on that just has an empire waist.
Have you started to show yet? I feel like I have really popped in the last week, especially when I wear maternity clothes.  I feel like I look huge in this picture and Hubs said last night, "Wow you really look pregnant today."
Sleep: Loving it lately.  Can't seem to get enough.
Best moment this week: We did a Facebook announcement and it was so great to get all the wonderful comments from family and friends.

Miss Anything? We went to Panera this weekend and I really wanted a turkey sandwich.
Movement: Still waiting to confirm that I'm actually feeling the baby.
Food cravings: As it says above, cheese, French fries, and still going with the pears.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Doing pretty well with this lately.
Gender prediction: I'm still thinking boy, although Hubs keeps dreaming about girls.
Labor Signs: Nope, but definitely having a lot of stretching of muscles going on this week.

Symptoms: Tired and a little moody.
Major purchases this week? Nothing this week, but working on narrowing down the nursery furniture.
Weekly wisdom: Try to stay off your feet when you can.  I was going all day on Sunday and by the time the day was over, I was not only exhausted, but my whole body was sore.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Friday to see the little bean and scheduling our anatomy scan for sometime before Christmas.