First full week of school.
Open House.
Being a full time teacher and a full time mom.
Having quite the class of little hellions.
Life is a little hectic to say the least.
- I'm exhausted. L is definitely experiencing the 4-5 month sleep regression issues. They are minor compared to other stories I have heard, but he is definitely having some weird sleep situations going on. Like wide awake at 1 am and ready to play. Or making tons of noises at 4 am and causing Max to keep getting up from his sleep and going over to check on him. Or really ready to start his day at 5:15 on a day when Mommy was going to sleep in just a little. The pacifier will lull him back to sleep in the real middle of the night. But those times at 4 or 5, he's pretty much awake and therefore so is Mama. Hopefully, he goes back to his blissful 11-12 hours soon.
- I'm kinda over school already. Is that bad?
- I cannot get on the pumpkin train. I think it's gross
- I can, however, get on the other fall tastes, smells, and activities train. I am looking forward to a weekend at the apple orchard with Hubs and the little man very soon.
- The cost of formula sucks. I really wished my boobs worked correctly.
- I have had a few meltdowns this week once I got home from school. I feel like I can barely keep my head above water right now with school and the pressures to be the perfect teacher (I know I never will be, but I still want to try my absolute hardest to be awesome at my job) while dealing with a challenging class and being "present" once I'm home with my family. I really think this whole working out of the house thing blows.
- I put L in his highchair the other day just for fun. Holy hell he looks like a stinkin toddler in it! And I must say he loves it. I was wheeling him from room to room and he thought that was just so much fun.
- I'm quite excited for the new fall shows and my old shows coming back. I don't have a chance in hell of being able to find the time to watch any of them, but I'm excited nonetheless.

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